Monday, July 30, 2012

List of helpful items for a patient

Here are a list of things that were helpful to me during my recovery:

1-the tiny travel pillow to keep the seatbelt off my chest in the car

2-another travel pillow to sleep with on my chest, you just feel vulnerable and this pillow helped.  I'm still using it 8 weeks out.  As I lay on my side, it travels with me and cradles my expanders as they seem to flop over and this cushions them.  I LOVE MY TRAVEL PILLOW!!

3-button up pjs, I found some cute Liz Claiborne top and short sets at JCP and they almost looked like casual day clothes I wore all day, great for visitors.

4-Kmart housedresses that snap up the front.  NEVER thought I'd wear one of these but they were so helpful the first few days, one less thing to pull up around your waist, easy open.

5-soft ice packs, conform to your chest

6-bell to call for help

7-vest that held my drains.  I bought a similar one at Nordstrom for $60, but the hospital gave me one

8-sidetables near my chairs & baskets to keep things organized on them with travel kleenex packs, etc. 

9-a daily RX box would be good because you forget how often you have taken all the pills

10-cup with straw and lid, you are clumsy and have many other things to think about than a mess

11- footy socks, sleeping in a chair your feet hang out from under the blankets

12- a bathroom basket to corral all your meds and basic toiletries.  It was helpful to not have to lean over and into my drawers I usually use. 

13- breakfast food- a cherry coffeecake and egg casserole served for many meals and treats for any time of day

12-my recliner, never had one.  Lived in it for 2-3 weeks, still love it!

13- journal to track meds, gifts, drain outputs, etc

14-chocolate, because you always love it! 

15- gift cards for food

16- MEALS!! This was a huge help.  My dear neighbor Rachel organized a meal plan for three weeks.  On Mon, Wed, Fri a family would bring us a meal.  It was great to not have to worry about shopping and cooking post op and I really enjoyed the visits as people dropped them off. She gave me a schedule of the 3 weeks, so I'd know who to expect.  It was a huge blessing!

17- Facebook - I loved the support and sweet comments.  They were so encouraging! 

18-Cards to brighten my day

19- a small project my principal had me do 2 weeks post opt which made me feel productive again.  I needed to feel normal, to be treated normally. 

Other ideas- two weeks post opt a friend came to take me out to lunch and a little shopping, another brought a favorite Sonic drink and chatted for a few hours.  

Any expression, no matter how small meant something.  I learned so much on how to treat others in tough times.  I was blessed to have PLANNED this major alteration.  My heart goes out even more to those whom fate drops all these decisions in their lap with an out of the blue diagnosis.  Mainly, just DO something.  Don't just offer, DO IT! Leave a throwaway dish to lessen the load, make it freezer friendly and just do it.  Mow the lawn without asking, whatever your talent, just do it. Someone will be so glad you did and you'll feel good too.  I could not wait to return the favor to a parent from my class a few weeks later. 

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